
Yoga Blocks Internatural


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Need Power? Try Core Power Yoga
..., detoxifies and stimulates the body and mind through balance and intention.Power yoga is a dynamic and challenging program that combines strength, sweat and spirituality. It recognizes power in different levels; first is the physical power which develops the body’s strength and improve health; second is the ...more
Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 1 an expansion of Surya Namaskar. First of all, we will look at the physical benefits of Sun Salutations.Physical Benefits of Surya NamaskarMuch like other forms of exercise, the blood is oxygenated by the practice of Sun Salutations. This one fact is great news for your heart and the cardio-vascular system. As a result, Sun Salutations can be practiced by...more
The Yoga of Love - Sacred Relationships through Yoga
... therefore in love. Appreciation grows relationship, wanting to change people defeats it.The Third Key – learn to grow through challengeOur real guru is challenge. Our teachers challenge us, and we eventually learn in yoga that this is an act of deep love. We grow in yoga from the challenge of a teacher. In Sacred relationships, our guru must become ou...more
Easing Stress Naturally - Practice Yoga from India dating back to approximately 6 to 7 thousand years ago. The earliest written accounts pertaining to yoga can be found in the Rig Veda which is believed to be written between 1500 and 1200 BC.What is Yoga?The word "yoga" was derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj" meaning "to join" or "unite". It is commonly defined as a vibrant chain of ancient spiritual practices designed...more
Weight Loss and Yoga
...y of oxygen to the cells, allowing the organs to function as they should. This will give you more energy.Deep breathing also triggers the "relaxation response," reducing stress and the production of cortisol. Cortisol is one of the "fight or flight" hormones that your body produces when it gets stressed -- like whe...more
