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More Yogic Stress Management Solutions
...ns for stress management.Yet, stress is literally killing the masses, because chronic stress taxes the immune system. An immune system, which has low resistance, is an invitation to many of the diseases, which commonly plague humankind.On the other hand, short-term stress can stimulate our immune systems...more
Kundalini Yoga
...spective. This is when problems will start to occur.Compared to real spiritual power Kundalini powers are like a toy. On there own occult powers do nothing to expedite the spiritual progress of a seeker. Real spiritual progress comes from praying and meditating on God. Great aspirants and spiritual masters often find that Kundalini powers come of their own acco...more
The Yoga Posture That Nearly Kills Me - But May Save Me
...s for five deep breaths each. In between each series, we go down onto the crown of the head to reposition our hands and feet.I can do the first round pretty easily (Okay, easily is a serious overstatement, but relative to the next two it feels easy). The second round is seriously challenging, and the third and final ro...more
Practice Hard, Heal Fast? - Yoga Flexibility & Stretching Exercises
...time there’s a posture change.Why do people do this? Well, that guy used to be me, so let me explain.ENTHUSIASTIC NEW STUDENTS A new student will often walk in the door expecting to snooze through class, but ninety minutes, 35 postures, and 3 OMs later, that same person walks away a weak, wobbly mess.For me, this is the best kind of student because the sh...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating the Seeds of Success
...ctuary during the course of the day.First, we must realize that Yoga practice can last all day long. In fact, life can be one constant Yoga session, if you want it to be. The choice is really up to you. You can practice your breathing, positive thought, good posture, forgive, pray, be kind, and eat correctly on a daily basis. You do not have to d...more
