
55cm Yoga Ball


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Nude Yoga and Naked Aerobics
...cidental nudity, this is purposeful.More advantages : No sweaty clothes to wash; Cheaper designer-competitiveness; no fighting for a place with Peter Alexander fashion designer (though I love designer clothes myself). In fact this is goal-orientated, if I may say so because you can concentrate more on building those muscles or firming those gluts.Naked aerobics ...more
Learn The History Of Yoga finding it's form. As Yoga and it's secret teachings spread from teacher to student, or from guru to yogi, the concept of an individual system of thought began to take shape.The Bhagavad Gita, that is the most well known and popular work among all Hindi and Yogic literature was written during this period (about 500 B.C.). It is a beautiful story of a conversation between the god of Hinduis...more
Meditation - Relaxation and Spiritual Exploration
...s. The idea is to be around like minded people, which will aid the renewal of the spirit, body and mind.The benefits of "meditation" are not short of amazing. Yoga ensures this beneficial health and spiritual care. Meditative benefit's offer insurance and treatment to those wishing to heal without medication or direct touch being the cure. Bud...more
Vitamins & Exercise & Diet: The Easy Prescription for Good Health in less time. You are unable to give time to yourself and thus are not able to take proper care of your health. In today’s fast life we go for the fast food that is easy to make and takes less time to cook. We eat food that is actually not giving us proper vitamin and other required nutritional supplements. The result is you feel sluggish a...more
The Truth About Christian Yoga
... And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.40: On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.A point worth mentioning: Love, peace, tolerance, forgiveness, equality, and inclusion, should be a part of every religious leader's daily life. If you find yourself in the m...more


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