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Snoring Remedies
... a disease, snoring can cause serious health problems. The person sharing the room will not be able to sleep well and suffer from symptoms associated with sleep deprivation. This is applicable to the person who snores too.Being overweight is a reason for snoring. If you are overweight and snore, you had better lose those extra...more
Headache Relief - Gentle Exercises to Soothe the Pain Away
...a series of gentle exercises to calm the stress and reverse the muscle spasm that you are experiencing.Yoga Relaxation PosturesOne such series of exercises is the yoga deep relaxation postures (or asanas). Yoga relaxation postures teach you how to stretch and then relax each section of your body from the t...more
Rejuvenated Yoga
... for the needy. People from all religions, young and old, rich, poor, educated and illiterate - each finds a place there. He lays down simple guidelines, which can be followed easily.His practical approach to Yoga has won him millions of followers throughout India. People have begun to see yoga in a new light, a totally rejuvenated yoga. Other than curing of illnesses and the tel...more
Warming-Up for the Yoga Poses
...shoulders is also an excellent way to calm the tension and stress on the shoulders and upper back. It will require everyday practice for a few weeks before you start seeing the changes. In addition, the cat yoga poses are also necessary in the practice since they teach you to launch movement from your center a...more
Nude Yoga - A Way to Improve Your Sex Life and Satisfy Your Partner
...nitals and anus. Learning to isolate the perineum increases your sexual pleasure and that of your partner.Postures that require you to lift your perineum can strengthen the pelvic-floor muscles the way Kegel exercises do. The intensity of your orgasms heighten as you become more aware of how to manipulate this muscle.Also, yoga poses make you more flexible a...more


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