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Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 1
...ed the line into sexual harassment.What should Yoga teachers know about giving an assist before a potential problem arises? As a Yoga teacher, Yoga instructor, or body worker, you should have clear cut policies concerning many things, but let’s focus on physical assists for now. Your release forms for Yoga students should explain what a...more
Yoga Is Good For Stress Management
...nerally, Hatha Yoga would be the recommended type for a beginner; as it is the most gentle and flowing type.Sometimes you may have joined a class that may be a little bit ahead of you and this might cause you to worry whether you are doing it properly or not. Do not worry about it; all that matters is what your body feels in each stretch and how relaxed you can...more
Stress Relief of the Holidays
...our breath is a direct reflection of the state of our mind. Have you ever been told “calm down and take a breath?” When we are anxious, upset, nervous or angry our breath can become short and rapid or we may stop breathing all together. A relaxed breath makes for a relaxed mind. Full, deep rhythmic breathing ca...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - What Do Hatha Yoga Students Want?
...n exercise class, which is categorized with Tai Chi and Pilates.With that said, beginner students, with little knowledge of Yoga, have the perception they are entering an exercise class. Their reasons for coming to a Yoga class differ greatly. The main reasons for beginning Yoga practice are: Weight loss, weight control, stress management, low impact exercise, or p...more
Yoga And The Good Samaritan
... Jesus how to obtain eternal life, Jesus tells the Parable of the Good Samaritan.Basically, Jesus explains that it is essential for us to help those in need who are around us. It reminds me of the saying, “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” The path toward God is filled with challenges. Even though we m...more


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