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Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Ethical Guidelines
...healthy lifestyle, moderation in all forms of behavior, is an expected part of your teaching practice. In fact, when a person is abusing himself or herself - counseling and rehabilitation should be a priority. Any organization, involved in the certification of Yoga instructors, should never condone a...more
Real Estate Investing and Yoga
...ficient period of time to derive a benefit. Sounds simple indeed! However, if you've tried yoga you know that it can be one of the most challenging workouts one can do. In real estate investing one can be challenged by, raising interest rates, bad tenants, vacancies, maintenance issues and perhaps most significant changing personal circumstances. You need to hold on t...more
What Else Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know about Pranayama?
...of life it can bring, cannot be overstated.Ujjayi Pranayama: Also known as victorious breath is often seen in Vinyasa style Hatha Yoga, Power Yoga, and Ashtanga Yoga classes, but can be found in other Yoga styles, as well. This technique allows the Yoga student to concentrate deeper on his or her p...more
Yoga Poses for the beginner Starting practice of yoga poses is easy. But some words of caution would be necessary.· Please do not learn from the books. One should not be one’s own Guru (Teacher) in matters of Yoga asanas, pranayama or meditation and one might end up worse than before. Look for qualified, committed, professional teachers. ·...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: What is Normal?
...ot prepare for infinite situations.If a student has a heart attack, in your Yoga class, your swift and even-tempered reaction is all that really matters. It also helps if you have current CPR training and certification, but reaction time is crucial.Remember this: Expect the unexpected, react calmly to every possible situation, and do not lose sleep over situations th...more
