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Power Yoga: Your Choice for a Healthy Body and Mind
... stamina, tone your body, and remove toxins through sweating.Since power yoga sessions are rigorous and painstakingly thorough, they should only be done by people who are physically fit and who are not suffering from chronic ailments. One element of power yoga that distinguishes it from other forms of the practice is a breathing technique known as ujjayi.Thi...more
Mistaking Our Identity
... been doing, because we think that this is who we are.All the things we do in our lives, our occupations and hobbies and practices, are simply tools through which we express ourselves, expand ourselves, discover ourselves. They are not who we are. It stands to reason that we should take inventory from time to time: “...more
Yoga Tips For Happiness Off The Yoga Mat
... master of your mind. Pranayama is the fundamental link between mind and body. Pranayama will improve your health, but you should learn Pranayama from a Yoga teacher.Kapalabhati Pranayama should be practiced daily, but Bastrika Pranayama is usually practiced daily prior to Kapalabhati Pranayama. Personally, I prac...more
Postures that Promote Mental Health
... tips and poses that are particularly good for easing depression, but you can also turn to videos or the Internet for sites addressing this more specific use of the practice.For a more in-depth examination of the relationship between yoga and mental health, you might want to read Yoga for Depression: A Compassionate Guide to Relieve Suff...more
Yoga Clothing for Yoga Mamas
...a bit of lycra so your clothes don’t get in the way of your movements. Either can work well and it is largely a matter of choice. Make sure that your clothing also is suitable to your level of modesty and that as you stretch and bend your clothing doesn’t expose more of yourself than you feel comfortable with. When choosing yo...more
