Yoga Tantra

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Snoring Remedies
... be indication of serious conditions like sleep apnea. Though in itself is not a disease, snoring can cause serious health problems. The person sharing the room will not be able to sleep well and suffer from symptoms associated with sleep deprivation. This is applicable to the person who snores too.Being o...more
Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 1
...ess, depression and several other diseases too. Apart from being an exercise form, yoga is also about a disciplined lifestyle of which exercising is just a part. It acts as a connection between the body and the soul. It is a bridge that connects our busy life with the spiritual aspect of life and brings a balance in our daily routine.Yoga is als...more
Practice Yoga for Anxiety Relief
...ry jargon to give you a clear picture. Yoga is an ancient, but constantly evolving, science of life. The Yoga practitioner “reprograms” his or her thoughts.Your mind is your best friend, and your worst enemy, at the same time. When you attend Yoga classes regularly, under the guidance of a competent Yoga teacher, your mind and body become charged with positi...more
Yoga in Practice: A Peaceful Planet
... are from many religions, and some have no religion at all. It would be fair to say the majority of today’s Hatha Yoga practitioners are not Hindus.However, all branches of Yoga are perceived as religious insurgency by religious fundamentalists. You cannot stop fundamentalist philosophy. Much like the ego, within us, f...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Class Presentation
...e, at some point during your class. I usually cover something related to daily life at the end of class, after meditation.As much as the importance of starting on time has been mentioned, it is also important to end the class at the scheduled time. Some Yoga teachers start late and end late. Others want to add one more sequence or have too much material on their lesson plan. Show respect ...more
