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Stress-Free Parenting - Three Simple Yoga Stretches to Help Parents Reconnect and Enjoy Parenting
...your stomach, not sure, where your son/daughter is, what they are doing and what time they will return home?If you continue to struggle to understand and manage the situation, the chances are you end up feeling stressed, tired and worn-out. You may develop headaches; feel irritable, frustrated and, angry. When you feel like this, it is hard to relax and think straight....more
How Harmful is Yoga During Pregnancy? work, but once you get the hang of it, you can slow down your breathing and relax your heartbeat. This is beneficial to both yourself and your baby during labor and delivery.There are a few positions you need to avoid while practicing yoga during your pregnancy. Back-bending poses can put unnecessary strain on your back. And aggravate the back pain that norma...more
Yoga For Stress Management: Start The New Year With A Yoga Plan
...ew year, or a major event in our lives, for us to take the initiative and make a change. What can Yoga do to help you cope with the daily life cycle we know as stress?If you plan to make Yoga a significant part of your life, you have to make it a regular routine - just like brushing your teeth. The main reason why some people see very little results from anything, is they say they have no time...more
Yoga and Meditation - What a Great Combination
...le achieve incredible physical feats. This is a testament to the power of the mind body link. So then adding another practice to compliment the yoga that helps to promote the balance of the mind only makes sense.Meditation when done with yoga can help you achieve better harmony as in gets the mind in sync with the ...more
Yoga For Losing Weight
...f us to stay fit. Many of us have already gone past the ideal weight category. We need to find our way back to a healthy, fit form. Yoga cannot entirely replace the benefits of regular aerobic activity, such as walking, but yoga can provide the basis for a healthier lifestyle.What Hollywood and the "get skinny quick" master minds of modern marketing would have you believe is that rapid weig...more
