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What Is the Difference Between a CYT-Certified Yoga Teacher and RYT-Registered Yoga Teacher?
...a CYT or an RYT. The difference comes from being registered with the Yoga Alliance after a certain level of training has been completed, according to their requirements.The Yoga Alliance publishes their requirements for the RYT on their website. As of this writing, they are the only recognized association in the United States that registers yoga instructors. The main differen...more
Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Devotion
... ultimate goal should be to unite with this divine power and rest eternally in happiness and peace. The devotee surrenders all his motives and acts to the Divine Power. He renounces all the responsibilities towards the good or bad consequences of all his actions and ascribes it to the will of the Supreme.Devotion and faith pl...more
Building Stronger Arms Through Yoga
... strength in the arms through Yoga, the best exercises to focus on will be the one and only Sun Salutations first.From experience, when I was having difficulty holding endurance building poses such as the Wheel, Bow, Peacock and Crow Poses-with their variations-for a good enough length of time (say an average of 90 seconds and beyond),...more
Exercise Mats for the Gym - Why You Need Them
..., isn't it? But things could be worse. Without an exercise mat, you might even slip on someone's else sweat (yikes!). To avoid this painful and humiliating experience, get yourself an exercise mat.The 101 on exercise mats A good gym mat is a flat sheet of rubber or fabric used during exercise to provide a barrier between you and the floor. This is to maintain the...more
Learning Yoga - Great Reasons to Get Involved
...oiled up serpent that lays in the base of our spine and it can spring awake when it is activated by spiritual disciplines. The practice of kundalini yoga focus on the psyhic centers in the body to generate a spiritual power.• Bhakti Yoga - this type of yoga is all about getting in touch with the Divine Being and is then followed by an outpouring of ones' heart. This type of yoga advocates love ...more


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