
Center For Mage Yoga And Pilates


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The Physical And Mental Exhileration Of Practising Yoga
...s around the shoulders and neck area, which often causes headaches, practicing yoga can loosen up tight muscles and tendons and alleviate those annoying headache.Yoga Poses For Beginners There are many yoga poses, each one being helpful for any number of ailments, aches, pains and stress. No need to be overwhelmed or put off, you'll learn the poses as you go and as your yoga is hopefull...more
5 Gifts to make Labor and Birth Easier
...e, a 40% reduction in Pitocin use. Find a doula at, or, or or www.beautifulbeginnings.org4. Prenatal Yoga Series or DVD- Research has proven that yoga can: • Relieve back pain • Induce relaxation and relieve stress • Increase stamina • Produce healthier babies and mothers • By working on breath control exercises, mothers are better able...more
The Truth About Vinyasa Yoga
... and muscle toning benefits. Your body will go through an incredible transformation, but it does require determination. This explains why Vinyasa Yoga attracts so many type A personalities.Even if you don’t have a type A personality, it will rub off. As a “by product” of Vinyasa practice, your self-esteem will b...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga for Sciatica
...uctor, you must get the whole story, from your student, with sciatica. When you know the cause of their sciatica, you can more accurately instruct them about which yoga poses will best benefit them.Due to the delicate nature of the nerves in the lower part of the spine, yoga poses must be done carefully and correctly. Certain asanas (Yoga postures), which include straight-leg forward bends, can o...more
Practice Hatha Yoga for Happiness
...ore there is to worry about.Happiness cannot be bought. Look at the lives of the “rich and famous,” if you need proof. Happiness is a choice, and Hatha Yoga can help anyone find the path of happiness.Can Yoga really open the gateway to happiness? Absolutely! All forms of Yoga teach meditation and Pranayama. In Hatha Yoga, these concepts sometimes become secondary to Yoga postures (Asanas). Y...more


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