
Dharma Yoga New York City


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The Spirit of Compassion
...into that wellspring of compassion so that we may make choices that go beyond our own needs and take action that is in service of others- choices undertaken not from guilt, anger, or self-righteousness but as the spontaneous outpouring of our hearts.ContemplationContemplate the plight of people that you don't know or have never met before. Replace their names or faces with those o...more
Teaching Yoga for Teen Stress Management - What Parents Should Know
...ow the brain functions down. Some of these are very addictive, so this may be a temporary solution. Yet, prescription medicines are also life savers. Due to the quick results, prescription medicine may be your first choice.In comparison, Yoga has no such side effects, but the positive results may take weeks or months to see. Depending upon the situati...more
More about the Religious Impasse of Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement"
...tructor programs teach the universal principles of Yama and Niyama, but most graduate Yoga teachers would be hard pressed to speculate, or say, much about the Vedas.In the mind of a religious fundamentalist, the real problem is, Yoga, and all methods labeled as New Age, believe in religious tolerance. To any fundamentalist, tolerance and opening your mind is the gateway to evil.Therefore, rel...more
Yoga's Eight Fold Path to Enlightenment
... Dharana is the sixth fold, and it is primarily concerned with focusing one's concentration on meditation. When a meditative state has been attained the student is then on to the seventh step, Dhyana. The final step, Samhadi, is attained when all previous steps have been completed and the individual experiences a true oneness with all things. The student is, as of this point, in tune with th...more
Yoga for Depression: Blame and Control
...asantly surprised, when you see perfection as a rare jewel.So, what did any of this have to do with Yoga? Yama and Niyama are the first two limbs of Yoga. The second Niyama is Santosha, also known as contentment.A mind without contentment is also without peace. Do not confuse contentment with riches. Th...more


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