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Yoga Exercises For Weight Loss: The Best Way To Healthy & Fit Life
...e Losing weight is not an easy task. Shedding those extra pounds of flesh requires you to be consistent in your approach towards weight shedding. You should chalk out a weight loss strategy and stick to it till you get desired level of reduction in your weight. If you keep shuffling from one line of action to another, you would be s...more
How To Lose Weight Rapidly
...can easily reduce your weight. The different foods that we eat have different calorie content. Hence you can refer to the diet chart and the calorie chart to take a note of the calories that you consume every day.Similarly there are charts that tell you about the calories that you can burn with the different exercises. Hence by calculating the ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Discount Offers and Free Classes the mirror. During the course of a week, I am lucky enough to speak with Yoga teachers from around the world, so I will give you an inside story.Recently, a Yoga teacher from the Midwest United States, mentioned that she received and extraordinary amount of “thrifty” students. Her students haggled over price so much that she almost closed the doors due to her overhead costs. Sh...more
Benefits Of Yoga During Pregnancy during pregnancy.Cat Pose: Cat posture is beneficial for the spine and lower back. Pregnant mothers often experience intense pain in these areas. This pose increases flexibility of the spine and back.Heroine Pose: This is the most recommended posture providing relief during nausea and indigestion.Yoga has sol...more
Secrets of Teaching Yoga
...tion. The serious Yoga student must be a self starter. This is a person who practices Yoga at home, as well as in class. They don’t depend on their friends to come to class, and they show up like “clockwork.”How can you make your Yoga students become self motivators?You must show up to class early, enthus...more
