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Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 3
...e and explained enough to satisfy my curiosity about Japanese culture and history.Is it really necessary for Yoga teachers to give a physical assist? Not really, some teachers are very good at verbal cueing. Some classes are based on movement, such as Vinyasa Yoga. If you teach Iyengar Yoga, assisting is a regular part of your d...more
Yoga Explained
...d mental clarity. Yoga is expressed differently in different cultures. In Hinduism, yoga can be seen as a practice intended to bring people closer to God. In Buddhism, since they don't perceive there being a god, yoga helps people gain wisdom, compassion and insight. In western nations, where there more of an emphasis on individualism, so yoga practice may be used more as a wa...more
Yoga And Depression? Yoga Teaches About Depression one part. Typically western medicine treats the symptoms of depression instead of going to the root of the problem. Depression starts with a thought. The mind takes on the attitude of this pattern and then body soon follows repeating the pattern of the mind into the structure of the body.Four ways that yoga helps with depression:1. One o...more
Discover Yoga - A Gift For The Rest Of Your Life
...e, those pretzel like poses are unachievable for most of us. Ignore those pictures and ignore those people who look like performers from Cirque de Soleil. Focus on increasing your mobility which can be so easily be achieved.A great Yoga class reaches every single part of your body - it begins to hum in good health, it becomes more elastic through stretching, it sighs with relief because your ...more
Yoga Your Way to Weight Loss
... practice resemble sylphs, yoga doesn't care what you look like or what you weigh. In fact, it changes what you look like, and often what you weigh as well. How? Because it makes you acutely aware of your body in a way that makes you actually want to take care of it, sing to it, bring it presents and treat it right.So yoga practice is n...more


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