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The Ashtanga Yoga Method
... The Yamas include, Ahimsa(non-violence), Satya(truthfulness), Asteya(non-theft), Brahmacharya(preserving vital energy) and Aparighraha(non-envy).The Niyamas are those thoughts and activities, which promote a state of mind, which is conducive to Yoga. The Niyamas include Saucha(cleanliness), Santosha(contentment), Tapas(heat), Svadhyaya(stu...more
Can I Learn Yoga through Videotapes and DVD's? and DVD's? Well, even though that was what got me started with Yoga, from experience, it is safe to say one has to know something about Yoga BEFORE you look into learning from Video-tapes and DVD’s on YogaThe reason for this is because yoga is such a direct and precisely executed form of exercise that requires attention and extreme ...more
Kripalu Yoga-Learn the Benefits
...ed as the reciprocity of mind, energy and physical body. The prana or life force is the subtle current of rhythmic energy pulsations within the physical body. Every single act of the physical body is strongly affected and accompanied by emotional and mental conditions. Imbalance or even disease can be created by the most infinitesimal thought which disrupts or obstructs t...more
Namaste - Yoga Adepts
...ingle one of these definitions is the only correct one. Indeed, this very definition could be classified as a sutra, or "mind boggling" expression of a truth. Please note that I did not write "the truth", but "a truth". And I most certainly would not classify the above definition as a sutra, as it would be a ...more
Yoga Techniques
...eleases the tensions built during the exercise and allows one to mentally relive the exercise.5. MeditationAfter preparing your body through posture, movement of joints, deep breathing and relaxation the spirit is ready for meditation. The yoga techniques help to increase the awareness and one can focus on concentration. Through concentrating the thoughts on one subje...more
