
Kids Yoga Mats


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Breathing Exercises For Asthma
... believes that asthma is caused due to hyperventilation. It aims at normalizing patterns of breathing and reversing the symptoms of asthma. It is an easy, simple and effective technique with no side effects and helps remove almost entirely the symptoms of asthma. While these breathing techniques help patients in improving thei...more
IBS Treatments
...helps to fight depression that often accompanies IBS. In fact, there are specific yoga postures that assist in digestion.There is direct link between sleep and IBS symptoms. Thus it is important for an IBS patient to have a good night’s sleep. Stress management therapies can ensure a relaxed sleep at night. Acupuncture is also being recognized as...more
Beginning Yoga Breathing - All You Need To Know
... of your nostrils. Your lips are closed and the palate will vibrate due to the nasal airflow.Sithali, Sitkari- This is a rarely used type of yoga breathing. It works in a different manner. Here you stick your tongue out a little and then softly curl the sides of the tongue up. Now, start inhaling through your mouth.Yoga exercises are funda...more
Yoga For Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight With Yoga
...hyroid secretes a hormone that controls the metabolism of the body. If the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland is more then you can easily burn the fat in the body, and reduce your weight.The different medicines that are available in the market related to weight loss increase the metabolism of the body. Yoga is a good exercising...more
What Exactly is a Yoga Swing?
...setting.Now you can suspend the yoga swing. You can use a sturdy extension spring and hang it from an optional pyramid shaped support structure that can be made from either hardwood or aluminum poles. All of the handles and the pelvic sling can be adjusted for the perfect height. Using a spring with the pyramid support str...more


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