
Yoga Mat 5


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Asanas To Help You Out From Your Backache
...a about well-being in this fast and overly paced life. It gives a therapeutic feeling once you are through with it. It makes you aware about your body and needs of stretching and stress free makes it very important for everyone to give it a try at least once.Some common poses which can be tried by you to break-free from the backac...more
Three Great Benefits of Yoga
..., there is always room for you to expand your mind and consciousness even further. Our reason for existence is too continually expand our minds and consciousness and yoga can play a part in this.Many yoga exercises put you in a meditative state and can help prepare you for growth in the area of mind, spirit and soul. Yoga doesn't have to contradict your current beliefs. Rather, it can suppo...more
Kundalini – the Secrets and Dangers of the "Coiled Serpent"
...human spine, and shoots up towards the brain.Along the way, Kundalini supposedly “pierces through” (according to the classical description in yogic texts) the seven chakras until it reaches the one on the top of the skull – the Crown Chakra.There are thousands of books in the market today describing each and every chakra, the colors, fragrances, sounds e...more
How Yoga Works for Weight Loss
...ion, then yoga will help you reduce comfort eating. The slow stretching movements and deep breathing in every yoga movement calm and relax you. The balance postures in particular necessitate that you clear your mind of all your every day cares and worries and use all your powers of concentration and focus. With regular yoga practise you will find that you become naturally more relax...more
lshwarapranidhana (Devotion)
...far he has acquired this quality of detachment and peace, because as long as this quality has not developed in one's mind, whatever he does in the field of yoga has really no meaning at all.The great Shankaracharya has rightly declared (Viveka Chudamani, ) that "even though one is well-versed in all the branches of kn...more
