
Speedo Yoga Mat


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Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 5
...e enlightenment, is one of the most sought after results of Kundalini Yoga practice. Therefore, Kundalini attracts a much different type of student and Yoga teacher from what is most commonly found in a Hatha Yoga class. This is neither right, nor wrong, but most Hatha Yoga students are not usually pursuing a spiritual transformation process.As a...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga for Peace of Mind
... their minds.Look at commuter traffic outside of any city and you will see people running from place to place on “auto-pilot.” Although there are more people attending Yoga classes than ever; the vast majority of people still have no time for Yoga, meditation, Pranayama, or anything related to good health. Imagine thinking you have no time to breathe or take care of yourself properly.M...more
Coping Strategies - Yoga For Menopause Relief
...tanding forward bend than downward dog (and certainly not shoulder stand or headstand), as the angle of the shoulders, combined with the weight on them, can cause tension in the neck.Other good postures for menopause can be the standing postures - including triangle pose, half moon, and the extended side angle pose. These open up the...more
Take a Yoga Class - Five Solid Benefits You Can Experience from Yoga
... and spiritual health.Consider this: If you feel negative after listening to your Yoga teacher, you should leave. You may find another Yoga teacher in the same facility, or at another Yoga center, but do not put up with abuse.Sleeping Better is a result of the first two, above-mentioned, Yoga benefits. For ...more
The Roots of Hatha Yoga
...i (the current of the self) to open up various Chakras (cosmic points within the body that are awaiting release). Once this happens, a state of quieted thought and a still mind occurs while consciousness remains. This is called Samadhi and it is known as a stated of bliss. Hatha Yoga is based on holistic principles,...more
