
Prenatal Yoga Yoga Stretch Yoga Stretch Yoga Mat


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Yoga Instructor Certification Courses: How Important is a 200 Hour Certification for Yoga Teachers?
...lasses?Are you looking for continuing education credits for the Yoga Alliance -The Yoga Register, British Wheel of Yoga, The International Yoga Federation, or another registry of Yoga teachers? Do you want to enhance your knowledge and teach Yoga to your friends?It is really all about evaluating what your primar...more
Yoga - Practices and History
...time you will reach, what is called "meditation". Most meditators express deeper feelings of joy, peace, and self-oneness. The focus of meditation differs between yoga teachers. Some may focus more on peaceful thoughts, spiritualism, or a better sense of well-being, while others will focus on the more physical aspects like, different types of stretc...more
Yoga: Ancient Wisdom for Today's Health
... system is a form of Raja yoga, meaning it presents meditation as the path to the ultimate goal of enlightenment.Hatha yoga is the style most well-known in the West today. It focuses on purification of the physical as the path to purification of the mind and prana (vital energy). In this respect, it is very different from Patanjali's yoga in that Patanjali's yoga focuses on the pu...more
Yoga for Hair Loss Prevention gurus, there is little solution for hair loss problems in western medicine. Hair loss in men & women is a universal phenomena caused by hereditary problems, poor diets, stress etc. Only one western prescription product minoxidil has some acceptance as a cure of hair loss. However minoxidil has little or no effect when there is actual baldnes...more
The Five Main Yoga Techniques for Beginners Recommended By Yoga Practitioners
...lways stresses deep breathing. Deep breathing exercises relax the body while at the same time helping to strengthen the body's support muscles in the abdomen.Yoga does not follow the "no pain, no gain" slogan. When practicing yoga, a person is not to go beyond what he or she can do comfortably. Exercises are also followed by relaxation sessions so ...more
