
Natural Cotton Yoga Mat


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Personal Trainer for Weight Loss? Try Yoga Instead
... wellbeing.Yoga is a technology thousands of years old developed to bring optimum performance and balance to all aspects of your life. Get rid of the weight in your physical body - while shedding mental, emotional, and spiritual weights that have been keeping you from being happy, whole, and connected.7. Yoga directly addresses stress, one of the main contributors to health problem...more
Yoga and Relaxation
...p breathing are not much protection against the "slings and arrows" of today's world, it's a start, and two or three minutes here and there throughout the day can add up.Think about it. How many people have their evening ruined just because some jerk cut in front of them on the way home? It's not that it's an earth shattering event, but it is just one more stressful event in a day...more
What Do You Really Want from Yoga?
...ess some of the above-mentioned needs as priorities.Do you ever wonder why some people are so successful in life? I am not talking about someone who has “everything handed to them.” What I am referring to is someone who has taken the time to know what they want from life, pursues it, and then attains it. This comes from self-analysis, meditation, and goal setting skills...more
What Should Your First Yoga Exercise Be?
... your hands again pressed together. Bring your hands over your head, and back, in a smooth arc, bending your back. Bring your hands forward, and return to a standing posture, with your hands in front of you.The Sun Salutation is a series of arcs in your back that switch back and forth. For example, the first arc is the initial p...more
A Great Way To Find Best-Selling Book Ideas For Your eBay Business
...r out and sit somewhere quiet. On each sheet choose three subjects at random, circle them, put the page to one side. Do the same on all your other sheets. Put your sheets somewhere safe for a week or so before studying them again and looking for ways to combine each set of three subjects into one exciting title. What could you do, for example, with the...more
