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Arthritis Patients Try Yoga
...res such as stretching and aligning the body. By doing so, the body is strengthened and that is what a person with arthritis must be aiming for. Yoga also uses breathing and meditation. This helps the mind to be focused and also relaxes the individual.People of any age and background have fun with yoga. As it turns out, people with arthritis are also re...more
Yoga in Practice: Helping Negative People (Part 1)
...ople I have met - have everything, but they don’t see the “field of diamonds” in their own backyard. Everything is always better somewhere else. No matter how much love they get, or how many possessions they acquire, they are never happy. Some of these people create their own environment and cannot see...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Stress Relief for Teenagers teens further than ever before.Sure they are privileged to have access to so much information, but they also suffer from information overload. On top of this, high expectations are placed on teens for social status, academic performance, athletic performance, performance in the entertainment industry, etc.So how can Yoga help teens to ...more
The Therapeutic and Spiritual Secrets of Yoga Gurus
...wadays, yoga masters are Sathya Sai Baba and Swami Satyananada (the founder of the Bihar School of Yoga), and many more.Yoga evolution and development were systematic, and they depended on the time, believes, traditions and the place. At the beginning, Yoga goals were to understand the world and live in harmony with it, however, by time, this was changed and Yoga evolved to concern the w...more
Scoliosis Exercise: Yoga as an Effective Option for Pain Relief
...and reducing the back pain.The Passive back arch scoliosis exercises has been found to be helpful in not only reducing scoliosis-related pain, but also the problems related to condition called pectus excavatum (sunken chest). Pectus excavatum is generally caused due to tight muscles across one’s chest and back and soft bones ...more


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