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A Guide To Healing Back Pain
...t affect the spine and it can be quite painful when these muscles are too tight. Yoga exercises really help loosen up these muscles and release the tension.There are many types of Yoga exercises you can practice to help in the healing. If it is more severe you will want to start off with something easy and focus on the meditation and relaxation methods first.Regu...more
Hot Yoga Therapy
...t. Here, we encourage you to work at your own pace and stay within your own limits. But we also make sure that you don’t short-change yourself," says Benjaporn.Benjaporn recommends Bikram yoga to anyone in good health aged 10 and above. She also stresses that beginners should come to classes regularly – she suggests three or four times a week...more
Yoga - Three Reasons You Should Not Do Kapalabhati Pranayama
...pain or dizziness, stop the practice immediately.The Kapalabhati Breathing has tremendous benefits to a practitioner. However, there are some health conditions in which this breathing technique should not be practiced.Three important reasons not to do Kapalabhati Pranayama:1) If you have High blood pressure, do not practice this pranayama.2) Anyone suffering from heart disea...more
Yoga and Meditation - Questions and Answers
...consciousness that is the root of bondage–actually is the state of bondage. For Vyasa comments on Sutra 4:22: “Though unmoving and unchanging, the purusha-experiencer has as it were entered into the changing object [of the chitta and its many forms or objects] and conformed itself to its function” by fa...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Sciatica
... These poses and the pelvic rocks can be done several times a day to alleviate symptoms.Yoga has many poses (asanas). With proper guidance asanas can relieve pain. The pigeon pose helps to open the hips and stretch the muscle in the gluteal region, the piriformis muscle. Both the locust pose and the cobra pose effective str...more
