
Institut International De Yoga


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Want A Great Meeting? Consider Laughter!
... requesting that even some of the more serious topics have some more humor and levity to them. If you are asking people to attend a 2-3 day meeting or conference, it not only has to have substance today it has to have some degree of fun and humor. Humor can help to illustrate key learning objectives and help bring to life dry, technically challenging and boring top...more
The Healing Powers & Benefits of Yoga
... can argue or deny the therapeutic benefits of yoga. We all know that it is an activity done to unite the body, mind, and spirit. It will make a person become more aware of his or her body's alignment, posture, and movement. Yoga also helps in making the body become more flexible and and relaxed even if you are halfway through stress and anxiety.It has be...more
Yoga For Health
...and medical supplements. This will slow down aging process. Following are ways of achieving a long and healthy life.The word 'kaya' means body and 'kalpa' means stone. The meaning of 'kayakalpa' is to sturdy as a rock and ageless. Some good kalpa herbs are Ginger, Date Palm, Tulsi, Lemon, etc. Kalpa drugs are manufactured from inorganic compounds also,...more
Prana Yoga Clothing - A Review
...sometimes removable belts too.But what do all these signify, particularly for the yoga practitioner in you? For one, prana yoga is never practiced outdoors and in fast successions, for both of them disturb body temperature and heartbeat/pulse. Good protection before and after the session and flexible, breat...more
Improving Your Life With Yoga
...bably heard all about Yoga and may even know someone who practices it. Just what are the benefits of practicing Yoga and what exactly is it?Yoga is one of six schools in Hindu philosophy, mainly focusing on helping the individual to meditate and travel a path of self-realization. However, outside of India, Yoga is more often linked with the practice of asanas, which are po...more
