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Online Yoga Teacher Training
...ging your marriage, career or family.Before starting any program online you should speak with experienced Yoga teachers who can offer you unbiased advice. If you can speak with people who have used the program you're interested in then that's even better.Any worthwhile program will have comprehensive training in the following areas.* Anatomy, Physiology,...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
...d what we are capable but it never stop there. The asana is the question not the answer. It is the place from which we start, not the end that we aspire to.My vision of yoga these days is about aligning with my most authentic self and supporting others in doing the same. And whether I learn it balancing in Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), chanting a mantra,...more
Can Yoga Help Cure Insomnia?
...axation to relieve nervous tension, depression and other stressful mental and physical situations.Some Yoga positions have been reported as very effective for helping people affected by insomnia. One of these, called Happy Baby, can be done in bed; it will relieve tension from the lower back and hips as you hug your knees or feet while lyin...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 2)
...(Part 2) It is a shame that proper behavior, respect, and ethics do not make great headlines in the newspapers. Just watch the news, and read the newspaper for a week, to confirm what makes “good copy.” It will not take long for you to find a dozen, or dozens, of scandals.We all make mistakes, and none of us wants to have them i...more
Yoga Classes - How To Find Your Yoga Classes
...n regards to your yoga class questions or, if you simply want more information, why not do a search on the Internet.The Internet can be incredibly useful mainly because it allows you so many search options and does it all with speed that allows you to quickly and easily browse through a multitude of options, allowing for a quick response to all of your questions.Due to the popularity of yoga, y...more
