
Pregnancy Yoga Dvd Patty Slote


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Yoga for Kids: Building Self-Image, Part 1
...s is why the world has so much competition for every little event.However, competition should be “brushed aside” in a Kids Yoga class. The Yoga studio, or ashram, should be a nurturing place for children and adults to master life skills. Yoga literally means “unity,” and competition bolsters the ego. The...more
Yoga Can Help You to Lose Weight
...ffects of yoga on weight, which is the first study to investigate the role between the two. More than 15,000 participants were asked to recall their physical activity patterns and weight history between the ages of 45 and 55. The study found that during this period, most people gain about 1 pound each year. The people who practiced yoga at least 30 minutes ...more
Chair Yoga Case Study – No More Chronic Neck Pain
...leaving their yoga class. I thought I would feel comfortable with this group as they were close to my age. I wanted to see if my own body could fix the neck pain with help from yoga.Within 2 months of practicing chair yoga my neck pain was gone. I also had problems with low back pain and had tried numerous o...more
Knowing The Yoga Exercise Ball
...ity balls and balance balls. Physical therapy, Yoga, Pilates and other workout techniques use them to blend in with the routines. Health clubs and many professional and elite athletes practice with them in order to develop coordination.Who can be benefited by using the Yoga exercise ball?Beginners of Yoga classes are those who are primarily benef...more
Yoga Teacher Telephone Tips
...nto your studio, without an initial phone call or an Email inquiry.Potential Yoga students will have questions, may be seeking directions, or just want to feel comfortable before visiting your Yoga studio. Now, let’s look at a procedure for answering an initial inquiry from a potential Yoga student.Any person who answers the telephone should have a smile on his or...more
