
Ara Yoga Dvd


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Bhakti Yoga
...self, extends throughout all reality, and ends at the heart of the individual. This string is always strong at the point of Gods' feet, as God is omniscient and never changing. On the individuals end, however, life can wear at the string, weakening it. The individual, through Bhakti Yoga, cultivates the nature of the string, bringing it new life and strength...more
Why Bikram Yoga is So Hot
... yoga, Bikram yoga stands out as being a particularly "hot," body-bending experience!Bikram yoga was founded by Bikram Choudhury and is commonly also known as "hot yoga." It's easy to understand why - it's supposed to be practiced in a 105 degree room with 50 percent humidity! In actual practice, many classes lower this a few degr...more
How could a Shy Person Become a Yoga Teacher?
... This is just a part of the learning process in becoming a Yoga teacher. It is guaranteed that if you try, you will succeed, and you will not be let down.Many of my best Yoga teacher training graduates spent their lives under estimating themselves, but found independence and a better quality life, teaching Yoga. The harshest judge many of us face on ...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Becoming a Yoga Teacher after 40
... practice cannot see his or her self-worth, as a Yoga teacher? Where does this self-doubt originate from? Could a young Yoga teacher graduate understand the pains, aches, medical conditions, and limitations of older students?Quite simply, a Yoga teacher graduate over 40 years of age has the major advantage of life experience. This is no...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean, I watched the tide moving in and out unfailingly dancing to its own rhythm. I observed how a single wave was its own entity and yet part of the entire ocean. It was impossible I observed to feel any kind of separation when we see ourselves in the same way. We are the wave and the ocean. The Self and Atman. Everything was contained in that one moment just like it is contained in this m...more


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