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Yoga Certification in Hawaii
...herapy certification opens up many options, especially in tourist destinations. With your yoga certification in Hawaii, you can work at resorts, hotels, and spas, which allows you to enjoy working with people from all around the world. You can offer a special travelers workshop on a maui beach, or a serene spa service in an upscale studio on Kauai...more
Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 2, communication, and knowledge override any credentials. The teaching performance within a Yoga class is more important than any other factor. This is why some Yoga studios do an evaluation of a new Yoga teacher on a trial basis.When should I become a Registered Yoga teacher? The fact is you don’t have to join a Yoga teacher’s association or bec...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Inspiration and Goals
....Firstly, everyone needs goals of some kind. Goals serve us as measured bench marks of our personal progress in life. If our life is to have meaning, and purpose, we have to pursue a goal that has worth and go after it.Does this mean that we should embrace competition and stress? To be honest, everyone needs competition and stress - to a point. Challenges build character, but th...more
Yoga For Healthy Life
...1. Standing yoga position - Chair Position, Eagle Position 2. Forward bends - Child's Position 3. Sitting yoga position - lotus position, Bound Angle Position 4. Lying position -- Corpse position, Fish Position 5. Twisting yoga position 6. Upside down yoga position 7. Back bending yoga positionResearch proved that regular practice of yoga position, breathing techniques has many b...more
The Yoga of Love - Sacred Relationships through Yoga or better. Good yoga practice must overcome this. So too, in a sacred relationship we must learn to function from the higher realms of our mind by learning contentment. Contentment in love comes through appreciation, not wanting to change someone, or ourselves is to become content, and therefore in love. Appreciation grows relationship, wanting to ch...more
