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Sacred Love- Yoga and the Mystery of Real Life Love
...g from these challenges takes us deeper and deeper in love.As in all Yoga, challenge confronts the ego and that is why most people run from it. For the ego, the most potent experience of love comes in the infatuation of the first months or years, the honeymoon period. Using blame and accusation, the ego causes a scintillating burst of excitement, b...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Overcoming Hurdles to Blissful Aging
...table relationships, are the most common distractions, but they serve to “chew up our time” and “choke the life” out of us.Challenges are healthy, but overwhelming stress is worse for your health than a bad diet, because it will literally kill you much quicker. Yoga teaches us to see clearly, rather than stagger...more
Yoga for Depression: Pessimism and Perfection
...? Do you constantly worry about money, losing your job, a family crisis, or something else? Is this a real problem or a self-created situation?The answers to these questions will enable you to discover real solutions, instead of worrying years off your life. Below are some common negative thoughts and some Yogic solutions for them.Are you a pessimist? Do you...more
Yoga Exercises - What Has Cannabis Got In Common With Yoga
...ion which can ease symptoms of different types of illnesses and disorders. (Depending on the illness)For beginners who are attending a class for the first time you can expect your yoga exercises to be light movements. This may entail short workouts on twists, balance, sit up poses and different other moves. You may also find that there is a time limit on how much you do in...more
Discover Yoga - A Gift For The Rest Of Your Life
...giene reasons. Studios also supply straps and blocks - all excellent props to assist you in a pose. I have my own flexible strap that I use every day to stretch out my ham strings and to open up my shoulders. But any tie will do. The average cost a of Yoga classes in North America ranges from $14 to $20 - most studios have drop ...more
