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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - An Historical Text
...gin of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the topic of some debate among both historians and practitioners. For instance, there are some people out there who credit the writing of this set of sutras to a grammarian named Patanjali. Later, though, a timeline was constructed that showed that to be unlikely. Within the yoga commu...more
Yoga Therapy for Increasing Self-Worth With Mantra, Japa, Affirmation, or Prayer
...ple of an affirmation for self-worth: I will change today with my first step. I will take chances. I will not fear criticism.An inherent fear within all humans is the fear of being criticized. This one fear prevents brilliant ideas from becoming reality. Even some of the most brilliant minds had to overcome self-doubt. Yet, they believed in themselves, despite criticism fro...more
Hatha Yoga's Attraction for Middle-Aged Students
... liking. As for Yoga teachers: It is easy to recognize a Yoga teacher who is abusive from one who is not.However, some people are very attracted to a Yoga teacher who will “push them.” Be careful if you fall into this category. A Yoga teacher is not a coach, whose goal is to push you to the next competitive level.It is fine to have goals in life, but take the time to res...more
Yama and Niyama in Yoga is considered the original treatise on yoga, defines five yamas and five niyamas. It has been mentioned that in Manusmirti that it is more important to follow yamas than niyamas. Here we give a brief description on the yamas and niyamas to be followed:• Ahimsa (Non-violence): this is one of foremost yamas. It means the lack of intention to hurt ot...more
Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2
...s is just one more good reason to practice Sun Salutations during the morning hours.Strength, muscle tone, and coordination are also benefits that Yoga students can expect to see and feel. During my experience while teaching Yoga classes, I have noticed that students, at any age, noticeably improved in strength, muscle tone, ...more
