
Yoga Stality Ball


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Yama and Niyama in Yoga
...ollect wealth and objects just to meet his primary needs. This is important because greed causes distraction and thus leads to increased strain on his mind and body.The above mentioned points deal with vairagya or the negative aspects of one’s behaviour. Now we take a look at some of the niyamas or the positive aspects of the behaviour as described by yoga:•...more
Knowledge And The Relevance Of Yoga Poses
...n television where they contort their body to make you squirm as yoga postures are done with little strain. Do not overstretch yourself and if you are uncomfortable with the poses, do not carry on as you might be heading for a serious injury.Yoga should be done at a certain pace as you will want to be with t...more
Why Yoga is a Good Revenue Stream for a Martial Arts Studio
...heir tuition? What is your third party billing agency doing about it?Have you ever noticed the worst paying parents are usually the same ones who want everything for nothing? Are you starting to feel more like you are being taken advantage of? Do parents really see the value in martial arts, or is it “cheap day care” to most of them?Let’s face it, child day care is not why most ...more
What Will Yoga Do to Help Cure Yeast Infection?
...ut heavy load on the liver and debilitate the normal defense processes in the body's fight against Candida.Yoga is one of the oldest practices in the spiritual universe. It puts the emphasis on conscious living and using the potential for happiness and physical and mental health that each of us has inside us. The yoga techniques of correct breathing and physical ...more
Getting Started with Yoga
... yoga, thinking it’s only for those who are extremely flexible, those who are extremely poised, and those who have taken a Lamaze class to prepare for breathing. But, the opposite is really true: yoga is suitable for all kinds of people. Just learning a little about it is all you need to get started. Why Take Yoga Because yog...more
