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Amazing 4-Step Fat Loss Workout That Melts Weight Away!
...g and likes the social aspect of yoga and other fat loss workout systems where there is a group involved.Me, well I prefer to focus on diet and also enjoy running and exercise, but I'm not a big fan of groups or classes - so it was obvious right from the beginning, we're going to follow different sys...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Difficult Students and Fitness Centers
...he was disappointed the Step Aerobics class was canceled?If you are considering teaching Yoga in a fitness center, or health club; imagine the following situation. A Power Yoga teacher is called, by the fitness center she works for - to substitute her Power Yoga class for the regular Step Aerobics Class; this is ...more
Pregnancy Yoga
...a helps you to understand and become aware of your body. As you move and stretch into postures, you reconnect with the power of your female form, and begin to listen to and trust your body's wisdom. You learn valuable techniques of relaxation, and breathing techniques that will assist you through labor, birth and the experience of motherhood.Beyond a...more
Yoga in Practice: Is Karma Good or Bad?
...xperiences; this is a natural part of life. Bad experiences must be addressed with solutions. Look at a crisis, cry if you must, find a solution, and learn what you can from it.We all feel grief, but we cannot solve anything by crying about it. It is natural to cry, but we must move on. The old saying, “Don’t cry over spilled milk,” applies to life. Look...more
Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Certification Choices
...o find a Yoga teacher training course that works around your schedule and meets on weekends or evenings. It will be hard to explain your absence to your present employer; especially if you tell the truth, which is: You want to train to become a Yoga teacher.Training for Yoga Teachers at a Yoga ashram, or Yoga retreat, is usually complete immersion without any of life’s daily distra...more
