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The Yogic Approach for Coping With, and Preventing, Panic Attacks
...nt, we have some form of an anxiety disorder.Panic attacks are classified as a form of anxiety disorder, under the listing “Panic Disorder.” There are many other forms of anxiety disorder, such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, to name a few.Panic attack...more
Gentlemen, Guys Actually Do Yoga
...w most men who practice yoga tend to favor the more athletic, fast-moving styles such as Vinyasa and Ashtanga. Personally, I bow to the simple yet powerful Sun Salutations common to the Sivananda style of Yoga.I showed this routine and some other balancing poses to a couple of friends once and these tough workout animals were shocked at how strenuous yoga can be. They discovered that holding t...more
Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Yoga Teaching Service, Part 2
...oogle, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Ask, Netscape, Dog Pile, and Alta Vista.The above-mentioned eight search engines receive over 90% of all the traffic on the internet. Currently, Google easily gets more than half of all the Internet traffic. Some statistics claim that Google gets over 75% of all the web traffic.Yes, there are thousands of othe...more
Do You Know The Differences Between Yoga And Pilates?
...sort of a Western fusion. In India, it is something entirely different than the German-created pilates.Clear differences between yoga and pilates include some of the following: First, it is an ancient Indian practice that dates back approximately 5,000 years, whereas pilates is an adaptation of it dating back eighty years to a German athlete, Joseph Pilate.Secondly, in addition to physical activ...more
Yoga for Self-Confidence your higher purpose was in life?Everyone asks themselves questions like these, but you will not find your true purpose in life, if you are living the dreams of someone else. What are your own personal passions? You have to establish your own true purpose in life with complete honesty.You must analyze what you do well, what your passions are, what your responsibilities are...more


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