
Benefits Of A Yoga Ball


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Ten Reasons to Attend a Yoga Retreat
...Any time of year is a great time of year for a yoga retreat. Go away in the fall to enjoy the beautiful colours of the leaves on the trees, retreat in the winter to escape the winter blahs, spring retreats offer a time of rejuvenation and summer is a perfect time for a mini vacation.(10) Inspiration A weekend yoga retreat will allow you to...more
Discover Yoga's Healing Power
...hat by using breathing and relaxation techniques you can reduce the harmful effects of stress factors on your body. A lessened “fight or flight” response can also be achieved by looking at adverse factors as challenges rather than threats. This approach allows your mind to focus on finding a solution, rather than creating an abrupt response. Another concep...more
The Five Main Yoga Techniques for Beginners Recommended By Yoga Practitioners various joints more supple. Among the areas where joints are targeted are the legs, arms neck, hands and back.Yoga always stresses deep breathing. Deep breathing exercises relax the body while at the same time helping to strengthen the body's support muscles in the abdomen.Yoga does not follow the "no pain, no gain" slogan. When practicing yoga, a person is not to go beyond what he or she c...more
Yoga and Golf - Are You Golf Ready?
...ome automatic and effortless.MIND BODY SPIRIT: If you’re in a lousy state of mind, you have to consciously control your thoughts, to bring yourself back to a positive state. You’ve heard me say this in class many times: “Your inner world creates your outer world”. So, if you step up to the first tee, without ...more
A Beginner's Guide to Popular Yoga Types
... teach more than simple yoga classes. There are now over 80 such centers world wide, and they were founded by a student of Swami Sivananda. Their five basic principles are: 1. Proper exercise (Asana) 2. Proper breathing (Pranayama) 3. Proper diet (vegetarian) 4. Positive thoughts and meditation (Dhyana)No mat...more
