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Yoga in Practice: Is Karma Good or Bad?
... You can find more universal laws, within the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, or take a close look at the first two limbs of Yoga. These limbs are Yamas and Niyamas.Once you read the first two limbs of Yoga, think about each universal law carefully. Any person, of any religion, can live by these universal laws and practice Karma Yoga – Unio...more
Yoga: Adding Balance to Your Life
...nsing the internal organs, energizing the nervous system, balancing out the digestive system and obtaining relief from headaches and lower back pain. For caregivers and others with a hectic, stress-filled life, yoga is Yoga is a way to decrease your stress level and increase your stamina and flexibility. Although you may enjoy taking a yoga cl...more
The Basics of Yoga Pilates
...ter posture, which in turn will result in fewer body aches and joint pains. In addition you will discover a more relaxed state of mind. The breathing techniques taught as basics of Yoga Pilates are great helpers to help the mind calm down and relax. People who practice these exercises also experience deeper sleep.Yoga and Pilates are both supportive of each other and they both involve body post...more
Yoga - The Perfect New Year's Resolution exercise. Whatever your exercise goal, yoga has a variation or level that allows for improved conditioning and fitness. Whether you practice "gentle yoga" or "power yoga," the potential for improving your muscle tone, flexibility and balance will be realized with consistent practice. Layered on top of the fitness potential for...more
What is Yoga
...ercise that stretches and strengthens the body through various poses supported by breathingtechniques. A healthy soul inhabits a healthy body. The ASANAS prepare the body for meditationMental and spiritual exercises known as MEDITATION. There are various methods to gain 'peace of the soul' for example the old lady who sits by the fire knitting. Meditation is the practice of t...more
