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Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Why Does Yoga Work?
...ching Yoga for Stress Management - Why Does Yoga Work? The reason why Yoga works for panic, stress, and anxiety control, is not complicated. Most people feel as if they are a victim of outside circumstances, which become triggers for excess stress, such as traffic jams, financial difficulties, raising children, and a variety of daily ...more
How Long Does It Take to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher?
...s - depending on your level of commitment to learn. Outlined below is the general criteria needed to become certified.Where to Begin Yoga Instructor TrainingThe first step in becoming a certified yoga instructor is to have practiced yoga yourself for at least several years. You must have a basic understanding of the fundamentals surrounding yoga including: * Physical and in...more
Yoga and Meditation - What a Great Combination
...fferent disorders. This has been medically proven. We also know that regular routine meditative practice can also increase flexibility, increase joint lubrication and give an all over body organs massage.Yoga also gives the body a complete detoxification. Yoga allows each muscle and joint to be gentle stretched and massaged as well as all the organs and glands, this he...more
Practising Iyengar Yoga During Pregnancy
...make the whole experience of childbirth less stressful.When you practice the Iyengar yoga pregnancy methods you can really make the most of the time that you are pregnant, and you can ease the discomfort, tiredness, and even the stress that can come with pregnancy, and heighten the experience by improving your...more
To Detox or He-tox -- Turkish Super-model Deniz Akkaya Needs to Know
... caused a different line of speculation...that Deniz wasn't really Detox-ing at all, she was He-toxing...We've read recently that He-toxing (i.e. for a woman to separate herself in a spa-like setting from all men, for up to 6 months) has become fashionable among European society-women and show-biz people. And in an ar...more


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