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Cellulite Exercises
...te Exercises Cellulite is found in 90% of post-adolescent women and rarely in men. On an average, a woman loses 5 lb of muscle and replaces it with about 15 lb of fat every decade of her adult life. Fat is soft and does not keep the skin taut. It takes up more space and bulges out. To get rid of cellulite, the underlying fat stores need to be reduced and lost...more
Effects of Yoga on Physical and Mental Health
...lso been shown to be useful in the treatment of major depression, with one study showing a response rate of 67% in patients in yoga compared to 73% for patients treated for a month with an antidepressant drug. Other studies showed yoga to be effective for reducing anxiety, although studies in this area were not well controlled.There is increasing eviden...more
How Practicing Yoga Can Lead To A Healthier Heart For Baby Boomers
...ular exercise regimen is one of the best things that you can do to ensure that your heart stays healthy. If you have not been active, don't rush into it. Just start out walking a few minutes and increase it gradually, you will be surprised at how quickly you will gain strength and endurance. Don't overdo it when you first get started. Starting out slow will help condition your hear...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Teaching Multiple Levels in the Same Class
...interesting for all levels. The less flexible students will need help with modifications, or possibly, need to use props.This does not mean that props are for the less flexible students, only, because physically-gifted students can benefit from optimum alignment. There is always a way to challenge a physically-gifted student without putting him, or her, at risk. In this ca...more
Relaxing Into Your Workout: Yoga for Weight Loss
...sing circulation and working with internal organs. These all cause the digestive system to relax and shift. Many who use Yoga will refer to this as a massaging of the organs. Your body will begin to respond by detoxifying, or getting rid of the extra things that are in this part of your body. Over time, you will begin to feel the difference in your energy level, and notice the difference from the ...more


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