
Yoga Basics Yoga Zone


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An Objective View of Yoga
... union of mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is non-confronting, non-conflicting, and can be integrated with many physical disciplines and religious practices. Any style of Yoga will integrate with other forms of Yoga and healing methods.Yoga teachers “spread the word,” but they must teach the more popular physical aspects of Yoga, ...more
The Purpose Of Yoga
... a positive effect on such conditions as asthma, respiratory difficulties, high blood pressure, pain management, back pain, arthritis, and weight loss. Psychologically, it tends to increase self awareness, create a positive self-image, and uplift the spirits of the participant. Many who come to yoga for the first time find themselves with a "new lease on l...more
What Makes Ashtanga Yoga Different?
...on or "dhyana" - Concentration or "dharana" - Contemplation or "samadhi"K. Pattabhi Jois declared that practicing these Eight Limbs as well as its sub-limbs of the external practices which contain the niyama and yama is impossible. In doing so, the body should be strong so that it can technically perform the m...more
Yoga for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know to Succeed (part 2)
...hat You Need to Know to Succeed (part 2) Welcome back folks.Okay, let’s cut right to the chase for how Yoga for weight loss works. We’ve gone over the sun salutations and if you are anything like me, you probably tried them out and are sold on Yoga ‘the stretching’ exercise actually burning calories.Now let’s target the trouble spots.Yoga for Weight Loss: Poses f...more
Christian Yoga?
... of Yoga’s purposes, the union of self with a Supreme Being? So what is the big deal?Truthfully, many fundamentalists are all about division - keeping the masses divided, at war with each other, and preferably, in a “holy war.” They fear the unity of mankind, letting go of power, and world peace. They don’t want to loosen their grip on their followers,...more
