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What Mountain?
...fe like that? So what's the rush? Are we enjoying ourselves, relaxing into our practice of yoga, allowing it to teach us about life itself? We're not living to compete and beat ourselves up for not climbing more mountains faster, we're here in this life experience to be happy, to share a joyful, exciting and entertaining journey inwardly, and with each other, and to learn from each oth...more
What Should You Look for in a Yoga Teacher Training Correspondence Course?
...karmas, Yogic philosophy, basic Sanskrit, Yogic relaxation techniques, and much more.To train instructors about warm-ups, Sun Salutations, proper posture, alignment, cueing, and assisting, is a good start, but there is much to learn. Some certification courses, for Yoga instructors, focus on physical fitness, only. Yet, the International minimum standard for Yoga teacher training courses is...more
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Shoulderstand
...ent suffering from various disease. Although the initial objective of Yogasana (Yoga) in Raja Yoga was different, however the ability of yoga to help patient with various ailments is really praiseworthy.The Shoulderstand is called the Queen of all asanas as it benefits the whole body. It is a forward-bending postu...more
How to Become a Yoga Instructor - The Inside Story that require you to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to become a yoga teacher. Shop around until you find a program you like at a reasonable price. Many studios require at least a 200 hour certified yoga teacher (CYT) credential to teach classes.If you want to become a yoga instructor, gather as much information as possible on the subject. Look for books about teaching yo...more
Yoga As An Effective Treatment For Back Pain treat the underlying causes of our back pain, focusing instead on simply trying to manage the symptoms with painkillers and other drugs.But clinical studies have found that most forms of low back pain respond well to conservative (non-surgical) treatments. These simple treatments can really address the causes of the pai...more
