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What to Look for When Hiring a Yoga Teacher (Part 1)
...uits out there, credentials have become very important, even in Yoga. Credentials make liability insurance much easier to get. Therefore, all Yoga teachers have to jump through the new “flaming hoops.”What Guru or Yoga Master trains the best teachers? Competence has little to do with who a Yoga teacher’s Guru...more
3 Keys to Unlock Greater Benefits from Yoga Practice
... this way, helps you to remain relaxed and allows you to be more aware of your physical condition enabling you to better feel the stretch, be aware of tension in your muscles and concentrate on releasing that tension and loosen to muscles you're working on. Through this increased awareness of what you body is telling you and by...more
Learning to Breathe
... wish to take it to the next level. Breathing and focusing are the basis for meditation. So, you might decide to expand your breathing session into a full-blown meditative session. As such, you can focus on your feeling and thoughts and try to become more in-tune with your body, your thoughts, and your emotions. In addition, as mention...more
Abdominal Exercises and Pregnancy
... one could practice in this stage of their lives although the key thing will be to avoid whatever puts excessive strain on the back.Moreover, repetitions should be reduced and the executions of abdominal exercises in pregnancy have to be modified. This brings to mind such low-impact yet effective exercises such as Yoga, the use of props, modified ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Releasing Anxiety do long-term Yoga practitioners release their anxiety? They seem so calm and collected all the time. What is the big secret? Firstly, let’s cover some options you should never practice, and then look at Yogic solutions for releasing anxiety.Myth 1: Yogis can make anxiety disappear.Never believe that...more
