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Thai Massage Versus Sports Massage - Which Is Better For Athletes?
... world's oldest medicine systems, we become better equipped to treat athletic conditions.Thai massage, also called Thai-Yoga, is rooted in the 7,000-year-old medicine system of Ayurveda. Although Ayurveda is ancient, the U.S. is just discovering its therapeutic riches.What is Thai massage?Thai massage is also called Thai-Yoga because it is rooted in yoga. Thai...more
Yoga Classes or Yoga DVDs - Which Is Best To Start With
... different exercises and breathing techniques. Although they can be great in the sense that you can practise in the comfort of your own home and fit yoga around your usual routine, a good teacher can make a huge difference in how well you succeed. DVDs and videos are great as supplementary materials later on when you are more confident and have learnt and received guidance from a teacher.There ar...more
How to Become a Yoga Instructor - The Inside Story
...choosing your training and the particular instructor certification process. Bikram yoga, vinyasa yoga, and hatha yoga, all take you down different training paths. Be cautious of training programs at your local yoga studio that require you to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to become a yoga teacher. Shop aroun...more
Yoga for Fibromyalgia Sufferers - The Ups and Downs
...derstanding of what Yoga is, and how to adapt it to suit your illness.Yoga consists of 3 elements;Breathing - learn to breathe and enjoy it, too many people breathe shallow and miss out on both the physical and mental benefits of proper breathing, which is a key part of the Yoga method.Meditation - sitting quite and thinking, or ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Empowerment with Yoga
... best plans. How can Yoga help you develop the patience to overcome daily obstacles?When you are in the middle of a tough situation, try to get an overview of the entire situation. Try to observe the situation without emotion or ego. Try to become the observer. This is not easy, but it is possible.Now, you may be wondering what good it will do. When you observe situations, withou...more
