
Kid Yoga Teacher Training


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Practice Hard, Heal Fast? - Yoga Flexibility & Stretching Exercises
...ater, that same person walks away a weak, wobbly mess.For me, this is the best kind of student because the shock of their first class often makes them ultra-motivated, committed, and wiling to try anything to restore some balance in their life.PRACTICE HARD Many yoga teachers (myself included), will tell you to take it easy, be safe, and take your time. This is good advice that should be f...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Yogic Walking for Anxiety
...n. Your heart, vital organs, bones, joints, connective tissue, and muscles will benefit from Yogic walking. You may control, or lose weight, by practicing Yogic walking.Maybe you were only looking to reduce your anxiety levels, but you are now convinced that Yogic walking is the way to go. Talk to your physicia...more
Hot Yoga - Sweeping Away an Image
...h is pumped throughout the body, and white blood cells are distributed throughout the body as the lymphatic system works more efficiently.Although there are some who do not believe in the benefits of Bikram Yoga. Bikram Choudhury developed it with the help of scientists from the University of Tokyo University Hospital.They proved that Bikram Yoga has medical benefit...more
What is Yoga?
...ient yogis sought to harmonize the body, mind and soul in an effort to achieve health, long life, and ultimately, enlightenment. Thus, the Sanskrit word yoga means union with or to join. This union with the divine is achieved through the disciplined practice of specific exercises, meditation and breath work.Yoga is essentially a lifestyle, dealing with all the aspects of our bein...more
What Is Yoga?
...a for ashtangas’?For them yoga can be considered as a type of aerobic yoga for they instill quick and smooth transitions between poses.3. KUNDALINIThis school is focused on awakening and focusing what is known as kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is most easily compared to life energy that lies dormant in our bodies. It is commonly represented by a coiled snake...more


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