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Who Would Take an Online Yoga Instructor’s Course and Certification Program?
...n of Yoga practice, would be difficult for a beginner to understand without guidance.Therefore, aspiring Yoga instructors, who choose an online Yoga instructor’s course and certification program, are, most often, self starters. Many people who take courses for Yoga certification online are working mom...more
Health Benefits of Yoga
...ver 75 scientific trials have been published on yoga in major medical journals. These studies have shown that yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity that also has important psychological benefits due to its meditative nature."In our modern society, we are likely to look at yoga first as an "ex...more
Yogic Stress Management Therapy
...s.People often wonder why Yoga became so popular worldwide. There are many reasons for Yoga’s popularity, but the world needs solutions and Yoga has them. People are caught up in the global epidemic of stress and anxiety.“Finding yourself,” “chilling out,” self-realization, transformation, and living a quality life, are catchy phrases, but these are a handful of the many benefits of Yog...more
Ripped Abs and No More Back Pain Series - Part I
...n building good posture."In this article it also shows the service men and women engaging in sit-ups. Let's take this point by point:- Yes, the "core" does involve the abdominals and back, but what about the activation of the glutes and hip complex and their role stabilizing the pelvis?- Yes, posture is very important and determ...more
Yoga for Beginners: A Stress Management Program that Really Works
...ive perception creates the “cloud of doom,” which follows this person around in life. Self-pity and negative thoughts are created, envisioned, and become a constant daily cycle, within the life of a pessimist.Remember the saying: “Be careful what you wish for.” You could also say, “Be mindful of what you visualize.” A mindful and positive perception of life is “light bag...more


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