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Yoga is Self Improvement
...t before man started to record it. In the time period beyond 5,000 years a fair amount of knowledge would have been passed on by word of mouth, and as a result, some of it would be missing.There are many different types of Yoga, but all of them contribute to mankind’s self-improvement. So, mankind has been a work in progress for thousands of years and has organiz...more
Yoga Alignment Methods for Insomnia Solutions are many different pillows to choose from, for a variety of reasons. There are also chiropractic and orthopedic pillows.Invest wisely in your sleep time. You should be getting close to 8 hours of sleep per night, in order to be ready for the following day. The quality of your pillows, and mattress, are an investment in your skeletal health and alignment.© Copyright 2007 – Paul Jerar...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Cultivating the Orator Within
...class.You may want to practice with an audio recorder to change the tone. Perhaps you are uncomfortable, when you initially teach, and it changes your tone, or causes you to speak faster. Slowing your speech down will require practice. You may also want to try meditation before teaching your classes.What can you do if your voice is too soft to carry itself across the r...more
Practical Applications of Yogic Philosophy - Perception and Myth has this student learned?What is the foundation of Yoga practice? The foundation of Yoga is to be totally present within the lesson, and if possible, to be without distractions. If there are any distractions going on in the mind, you should learn not to judge yourself harshly because you were not mentally present in your ...more
How Does Yoga Reduce Your Stress?
... can take an unusual amount of punishment and stress, and still heal itself. But it needs your help to accomplish this cure. In order to rejuvenate your body’s natural defense system, you need to relax. Relaxation and rest will cure many diseases.Certain yoga poses will help to stimulate glands in the brain, and w...more
