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Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 1
...u can do this by meditating or by practicing a stage-by-stage relaxation before bedtime. There are also many good meditation, self-hypnosis, and relaxation CD’s to choose from. Sometimes, dreams can be negative; but with the above-mentioned methods, you can change the programming of your mind.Drink plenty of pure water and gradually observe how your behavior changes. Many...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Affirmations to Tranquility
...he power of positive affirmations.Once upon a time, a business associate told me, “You can’t just put on rose colored glasses and wish the world to be a good place.” My answer was, “You have to start somewhere.” An eternal optimist will cause more positive changes to the earth than a perennial pessimi...more
Successfully Eliminate Stress Through The Practice Of Hatha Yoga Techniques
...the most popular forms of Yoga and is widely practiced across the world by lay persons and Yogis alike. It considers the physical form or the human body to be the vehicle for the soul, and lays great importance on physical discipline.The physical discipline is achieved through ‘asanas’ (postures), ‘pranayam’ (breathing exercises) and meditation. Through these activities, the body is sh...more
Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training Program
...ta and Kapha. These ratios of the doshas vary in each individual; and because of this, Ayurveda sees each person as a special mixture that accounts for our diversity. Yoga-Yoga's history has many places of anonymity and ambiguity due to its oral transmission of sacred texts and the secretive nature of its teachings...more
Choose Yoga Exercises For Relieving Stress And Staying In Shape
...structors if time permits. Check to see if the instructors are certified. A good certified instructor might be able to help with certain range of movements in the event of past injuries or surgeries and to prevent undue injuries in class.Inner peace and flexibilityYoga is not a competitive exercise. You might find other students quite flexible way beyond what you can per...more
