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Karmic Yoga and the Necessary Mindset
..., realizing that what all your rich friends or middle class friends said are right? What do you do? The truth is that Karmic Yoga, like any type of Yoga or spirituality, is not easy. At times it gets downright ugly.During the worse of times when you meet that horrible person that is unlovable, or when that thief steals your camcorder, or when you find out that people have been coming to you...more
Maybe Bikram is Right?
... Maybe the “couch potatoes” can only grasp the concept of a “kick in the pants.”Some people need a drill instructor personality and as Bikram would say, “torture chamber” to understand Yoga. America made him the “Guru of the Stars,” and he understands public relations.Let’s give credit, where credit is due. If you love Yoga and missed this interview, see if you can catch the re-run....more
Yoga as a Cure for Acne for acne, or a single, simple cure, a great deal of research points to stress, both of the mind and body, as a causing culprit. If this is indeed the case, then no amount of topical pseudo-solutions will help. The problem will need to be addressed in a more natural way and there are a number of...more
Your Yoga Classes Options Revealed
...o meet the demands of a yoga class. In fact, many beginners receive individualized guidance from trained and certified teachers.It's all a matter of finding a yoga center and mentor you feel comfortable with. Consider that hatha relaxation technique (sometimes referred to as raja yoga) and Iyengar yoga both leave room for corre...more
Use Yoga To Get Headache Relief
...and into the pubis, firm your buttocks and lift them off the floor. Balance by putting your hands onto your pelvic area. Keep lifting until your thighs are level with the floor. Keep your knees directly over your heels, but push them forward away from your hips. Lift up your lower hips and bring in and upwards towards your naval. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to one minute, breathe out...more


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