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Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2
...r stand, (Sarvangasana), held for a longer duration, would be more beneficial for sending oxygenated blood to the thyroid and parathyroid.However, the condition of a Yoga student’s neck should be a prime concern when performing the shoulder stand. Therefore, in this instance, the standing forward bend with a chin lock, performed in a Sun Salutation, is much less risky.The Sun Salutations w...more
Relieve Back Pain With Yoga
...have you tried when it comes to exercise programs and medications to relieve back pain. Citizens within the western world, tend to put too much reliance upon anti-inflammatory types of medication, which may or may not help in relieving back pain. The same people might also take various painkillers to hide the di...more
An Introduction To Yoga For Beginners
...rength and flexibility, but there are other benefits as well. It can help ease tension in the body, improve joint mobility, ease back pain by strengthening the spine, improve posture, boost glands in the endocrine system, improve digestion, improve circulation, boost the bodies immune system, increase stam...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Reaching Happiness and Good Health From Within
... It may be stress, excess weight, depression, or perhaps, their physician told them to go to a Yoga class; but there is always a need that is the driving force, behind the action, which causes their arrival.Beyond this, there is also a common thread which all people desire. Everyone wants happiness. Most people look outside their mind and body for happiness, joy, and contentment.Maybe a new car, a...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Limits of Yoga Students
...ealth, which will result in finding one’s true purpose in life.When we find our purpose in life, we find self-worth. Now that you have seen the formula to self-worth, you must realize that none of this can happen if we are struggling back at “square one,” dealing with our ego.Adults who cannot suppress their ego are often in touch ...more


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