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Discover Yoga - A Gift For The Rest Of Your Life
...lasses or passes. I suggest trying drop-ins until you find an instructor that you click with, and a class that's right for you.REVIEW YOUR YOGA GOALSWhy Yoga? You won't loose weight, it's not a calorie burner, and it's not instant. If you are the type that's want immediate results, the magic bullet, those 20 lbs dropped, then don't even try Yoga. However, if you want...more
How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace, Part 2
...its of Yoga, for companies, are just the “tip of the iceberg,” when you consider that Yoga also teaches gradual lifestyle changes, exercise as a regular component of life, a moderate diet, anger management, and stress reducing techniques.For most Yoga teachers, bragging does not come easy. Yet, the public cannot see the...more
Yoga: Adding Balance to Your Life
...cellent way to improve circulation and concentration, they are not for everyone. In particular, if you have suffered any damage to your neck or back, headstands may not be good for you.But there’s a yoga style that’s right for everyone. Yoga is now widely taught in yoga centers, YMCAs, on TV, and is av...more
Yoga Mats Are For Every Style
... rapid series of movements that quickly flow from pose to pose. Power yoga, as you might have guessed from the name, is a very active type of yoga. Your yoga mats will definitely get a good workout along with you. In this type of yoga, the person basically moves from one pose to the next in quick succession. If you are looking for a workout, this is the kind of yo...more
The Diamond Pose - An Essential for the Yoga Beginner
... one asana which can be done immediately after consuming food. Sit in Vajrasana and do right nostril breathing. This relieves heaviness in stomach and improves digestion.3. Vajrasana is a very important meditation posture, as we can sit with an erect spine comfortably for a long time. This is a very good pose for people suffering from sciatica and sacral infections.Here's how to get into this sim...more
