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Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not do Bhastrika Pranayama
...any benefits to a practitioner. However, in some health conditions this particular breathing exercise is not recommended.Three important reasons (out of many) not to do Bhastrika:1) Anyone suffering from High blood pressure should not practice this breathing.2) Person with poor lungs capacity should not attempt Bellows breath.3) If you are su...more
Why Meditation And Yoga Are So Good For You
...tation and yoga come in.The practice of yoga has been around for hundreds of years (or more). It originated in India, and was introduced by holy men (called Yogis) who would meditate for days together, in order to train their minds and bodies, and to achieve a sense of well being. Nowadays, many people think of yoga in terms of the different styles of yoga...more
Yoga Meditation for World Peace
... the meditative aspects of Yoga. If Yoga students were trained to meditate as children, they would appreciate the many benefits of Yoga meditation at this moment. However, we cannot force a person to instantly meditate and “see the light.”In order for meditation to take place, the mind must be willing to look at itself. When the collective consciousness of ...more
Opening Chakras - The Most Effective Method
...y we bring them to you! Audio file, modulated with pulsations that correspond to a certain chakra, is able to activate the area of subconsciousness that is responsible for work of that chakra. Thus, in order to open chakras, you do not need to do difficult and intensive procedures, inherent to yoga.Programs for activation of chakras are audio files, created with special ap...more
Yoga For Smoking Cessation - A Striking Measure That Can Make Your Dreams Come True
...always reluctant to lend an ear to the benefits of yoga, meditation and other similar measures must relax for a while and see with the what dexterity yoga has altered the lives of Hollywood celebrities.Mind my facts guys for it is no longer a secret that yogic influence has enabled the erstwhile 'Friends' star Jennifer Aniston to get rid of smoking addiction and caf...more


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