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Yoga Instructor Certification Course - Why Registration Is Not Enough For New & Established Teachers
...tionally, if you are starting out then it is advisable to find a study course that also includes the fundamentals of running your own practice and making it profitable from day one.Instructors are not required to be registered. However, some studios may require registration. In other areas you will have to be certified before ...more
Can You Lose Weight from Yoga and Reap The Rewards?
...rn them off. Try not to get carried away with those 'special' type diets, better still don't go for a diet at all. Plan to eat sensible healthy foods and avoid take-a-ways.Enjoy the ResultsThe results for losing weight from yoga will not be dramatic but they will be better for you than any fad diets. Fad ...more
Yoga is a Fun Way of Promoting a Healthier Looking Body
...makes up the universe. It exists both within us and in our surrounding environments. Prana flows through the body using a system of energy channels (nadis) which intersect to form chakras. Pranayama (breathing control) helps to improve the flow of prana through our bodies by clearing the nadis (energy channels) to allow prana to ...more
Is Yoga Helpful To Cure Obesity?
... which the spine angles in ‘C’ shape. This defect generates due to wrong sitting habits. In yoga there are so many asnas which can cure this defect e.g. bhujang asana. Bhujang means positioning your body in a Snake like position. By practicing bhujang asana any one can cure this defect.There are lot ...more
Yoga For Men
..., and men are not exempt from this reality. The contemporary man is expected to be physically and mentally strong and fit to cope with stress and to meet the demands of everyday life, together with sports activities. They usually see the gym as a way to achieve a fitter body, and often only do exercises like weight training. Some may do classes but many will run or cycle ...more
