
Yoga Props Ratings


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Yoga and Obesity
...d boost its chances of survival. This is why weight loss tends to slow down as we continue to diet. So in a way dieting is not the good method for reducing weight.The most common cause of obesity is overeating and less physical movement. Overeating problem is coupled with poor diet and also wrong timing of eating said Subodh Gupta,...more
Becoming a Yoga Instructor - Is it a Good Fit for Me?
...od fit for you will require you to do some soul-searching. Take inventory of your own yoga experience and see if you relate to any of these benefits to teaching the art yourself:* Have I ever been inspired by a yoga instructor? If you've been practicing for a long time, you may recall an instructor who really helped you achieve somethi...more
Finding Yoga Clothes You Will Love, most of us want to become healthier, happier, fitter, and more spiritual. After all, we are now in the 21st century. The practitioners of yoga are probably on the forefront of leading the new spiritual revolution. The problem is that many people do not want to be spiritual at the expense of being cute. P...more
Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle yoga posture in a relaxing way with slow deep breathing relaxes the nervous system is beneficial in fighting allergies.** Kapalabhati breathing is great for allergies as it forces out the mucus.** Standing poses-forward and backward bends, and twists tends to massage various parts of the spine and the thoracic cage an...more
Yoga For Kid
...n for your own children based on yoga principles.)Yoga has proven to be very effective in stress-relief and has also shown to help with hyperactive and attention-deficit issues that many children go through every day. Children crave movement and they also crave mental activities to help them learn more. Yoga can provide children with both of these things through simp...more
